There are four distinctions among Skin Walkers, based on power and ability type, but only three main rankings. 1, 2, and 3 respectively represent their rank in actual strength.
1- Commoner
These Walkers are anything and everything non-magical. Illusions, physical enhancements, elemental, it’s all in there. That’s them. They are the most common and have a range of strengths. All the way from having no power at all to be some pretty tough monster beasts that you do NOT want to tangle with.
>Their lifespan is similar to that of a healthy human’s.
1- Mage
These Walkers are approximately the same strength as commoners, but they have magical-based powers, like summoning, cursing, or reality distorting. They are /extremely/ rare (so make them sparingly, plz).
>Their lifespan is often similar to that of a healthy human’s, but might be slightly longer.
2- Reborn
These Walkers are the ones who were made directly by the progenitors. They were never “born.” A progenitor took the soul of a dead animal and recast it into a newborn Skin Walker in order to create them. These Walkers are much more powerful than commoners or mages and are generally considered to have more authority. It would be foolish for a lower rank to challenge a reborn.
(For now, it’s been voted on and agreed that these are restricted to only admins or with special permission)
>Their lifespan varies, but they are usually able to live a few hundred years.
3- Progenitor
There are only two progenitors in all of the Skin Walker species. Konec and Kyrrö, the brothers who spawned the entire species. They are incredibly powerful and immortal.
>Their lifespan is indefinite. They’ve both been alive for thousands upon thousands of years.